OptiSuite is a state-of-the-art optimization platform that helps you solve the most challenging problems of planning and scheduling using advanced algorithms.


Adastra Group is an award winning global consultancy company with over 2000 employees, focusing on Software Development, Business Consulting, IoT, AI and Machine learning. 

For over 20 years, we’ve been hyper-focused on data, analytics and the technology solutions to support them. Our data and AI expertise help business and IT leaders provide trusted insights to every team member—so they can make better decisions every day.

Key Benefits

In addition to challenges with digitization and ever-evolving business needs, manufacturing, logistics, retail, and other companies struggle to find process optimization solutions that fit their needs.

Finding a valid, efficient, and optimal schedule or plan takes time. Significant effort is required to keep track of and comply with business rules and process constraints. Off-the-shelf solutions and Excel sheets lack the complexity required to establish sustainable and scalable operations and business processes.

Adastra OptiSuite is an enterprise software platform which utilizes state-of-the-art optimizing algorithms. It enables organizations to build and deploy resource- and asset-scheduling software solutions that are versatile and robust enough to tackle any issue. The platform has the power and flexibility to deal with efficiency and optimization challenges in even the most demanding situations.

Key Benefits:

Error Prevention

Technology considers all possible scenarios and plans and never gets tired. Therefore, error-prone processes related to scheduling are prevented.

Cost Reduction

Increase utilization of human, virtual, and physical resources to save costs and maximize outcomes. Onboarding Adastra OptiSuite can reduce your scheduling costs by 80%.

Business Expansion

By optimizing your operations and resource allocations, you can distribute mission-critical work to focus on business growth.

Regulatory Compliance

Adastra OptiSuite adheres to all your business rules and regulations, ensuring 100% compliance with legal constraints and work regulations relevant to your business.


Improve existing, heavy-weight scheduling processes to experience higher efficiency and the ability to respond quickly to changes in your business environment.

Time to Market

Ensure faster time to market for business improvements by optimizing a wide range of operations in a dynamically changing environment.


Examples of applicable use cases:

Employee planning & Scheduling

  • Finding the best schedule & plan
  • Automated allocation of workforce
  • Quick rescheduling 

Logistics & Supply Chain

  • Optimizing truck and delivery routes
  • Minimizing inter-warehouse transportation
  • Milk runs optimization 

Production & Manufacturing

  • Production planning & scheduling
  • Reduction of waste materials
  • Optimal cutting or use of resources

Cargo handling

  • Shipping optimization
  • Improving parcel fill rate
  • Truck and container loading maximizing

Key Customer Pain Points Addressed by Adastra OptiSuite:

Manufacturing, Automotive

  • Inefficient use of resources - such as materials, people, energy
  • Failure to meet production deadlines - AI can provide production sequencing and planning about the order of products on the production line 

Supply Chain, Retail 

  • Inefficient route planning - high consumption and mileage.
  • Inability to respond quickly to unexpected events – traffic jams
  • Missing delivery deadlines and inability to reschedule quickly
  • Slow reactions to supply chain disruptions – the need for rapid response
  • Inefficient planning of workforce and shifts

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