At the heart of the system is a powerful enterprise class aM&T engine that combines ease of use with the industries most advanced energy consumption tracking and analysis tools.


In a time of rising energy prices, increased regulations and complex tariffs, building owners and operators need a simple financially-focused tool to help them reduce costs, minimise environmental impact and meet energy regulations. At a time where organisations are increasingly aware of the environmental side effects of doing business, customers often feel the pressure to deliver on financial, corporate and social goals, but are not sure how to achieve them. Optimised uses technology and expertise to address this need and reduce energy expenditure while maintaining occupant comfort and optimal environmental efficiency. By combining independent consultancy experience with powerful analysis technologies, Optimised is able to significantly reduce its clients’ energy consumption and carbon emissions with proven compelling return on investment through a managed service.

Key Benefits

The key benefits can be summarised as follows: Visibility of energy consumption across assets and building portfolios Engage with building occupants through public displays. dashboards and scorecards Managed Service minimises end-user time skill and constraints Cloud based SaaS model minimises capital investment Energy project tracking through IPMVP We focus on delivering business outcomes The cost effective monitoring, targeting, fault detection and building optimisation platform provides clarity and transparency on building performance, energy saving recommendations and verification. The hardware agnostic approach ensures Optimised aM&T can take data feeds from most meters, data loggers, meter operators, BeMS (Building energy Management Systems) and CSV (Comma Separated Variable) files. Our configurable solution ensures that analysis of energy data feeds is simple and is presented in a way that is best suited to the user. This may be through groups of data feeds, calculated meter points, queries, dashboards, reports or alerts. The simple pricing, based on per meter / data point connected enables users to get the most out of the system from day one. Add as many reports, users, types of data feeds without additional cost. Monitoring and validation of real time savings using a defined baseline, based on the industry standard IPMVP (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol) allows baseline definition using a formula or historical data and savings goal to be established


Our solution is suitable for all Market Sectors with facilities that are looking to monitor energy data to drive energy efficiencies throughout their spaces.

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