We are seeking a collaborative partner to work with us to adapt our foundational AI that is based on swarm intelligence to run on a quantum computer. We believe that our unique architecture is a great fit for the quantum environment. NEXUS.Q will create unique and efficient solutions to complex math, optimisation and analytical problems.


ISDA is a AI development company funded by sponsorship and grant funding from GM Business Growth Hub. We are developing a new foundational AI that is based on swarm intelligence. NEXUS.Q is our forthcoming quantum version of this AI.

Key Benefits

Optimising healthcare logistics:Commercial and public applications. Focusing on health care, NHS – delivering the correct assets, on-time and at the right location.Dynamic predictive modelling:Predicting disease spread. Crowd control, and public safety. Law enforcement support.Defence:Weapon systems management and control. Optimisation of battlefield assets. Supply logistics.Field sports analysis:Game strategy and asset optimisation. Training methodology.Economic predictive analysis:Stimulus design and deployment monitoring.  


Solving complex math, optimisation and analytical problems with unique and highly efficient solutions.

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