NTRM implements network science to the resilience analysis of electricity transmission networks, to obtain granular insight on their vulnerability to widespread disruption.


The Network Theory Resilience Metric (NTRM) was developed to aid network planning and operation by linking the fundamental structure of the transmission network with the likelihood and severity of cascading failures – an unprecedented claim.

High Impact Low Probability (HILP) cascading failures, such as the incident on the 9th August 2019, have the potential to disrupt multiple infrastructure systems across the whole country.

We have discovered a tentative link between network structure (nodes/buses, links/branches, interconnectedness) and the likelihood that each network element can contribute to a cascade, as well as the severity of load shedding. This correlation can be used in planning studies and real-time operation to design a more resilient network, by identifying priority sites based on certain criteria such as geographical location or network location. Alternatively, reconfigure the network during operation to avoid cascades or reduce their impact.

In addition, since the tool evaluates network structures, it is able to consider other interdependent networks, such as telecommunications. Preliminary studies show that this can reveal outage risks that were previously hidden.

Key Benefits

The developed tool and methodology offers several benefits to network operators:

  1. Network planning will utilise the insight offered by the toolkit to avoid weak spots prone to initiating cascades and strengthen the resilience of the network throughout.
  2. Restoration team allocation will be improved, due to the additional insight provided by the cascade likelihoods offered by the tool. Combining this with other methodologies and empirical knowledge can further enhance the restoration efficiency during large-scale disruption.
  3. Visibility of adjacent infrastructure assets and networks, such as electricity distribution networks, telecommunications, gas, water, transport, reveals the influence of such assets on the resilience of the network and the likelihood and severity of cascades. This insight will enhance the predictability of outages. Importantly, such visibility is achieved without extensive cross-disciplinary or cross-sector modelling and/or expertise.


The main target market for NTRM is the electricity transmission sector, since the tool is investigating the likelihood and impact of cascading failures, which mostly happen in electricity transmission networks.

A secondary market is power distribution networks, since the increasing complexity required by Net Zero mandates and reducing operational margins are expected to make cascading failures and load shedding more common.

Further, other infrastructure networks, such as telecommunications, share some network and operational characteristics with electricity networks, hence are likely to benefit from improved interdependent resilience.

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