Extended temperature range, faster response time, and greater response signal.


Nano-Porous Alumina Sensor Inventor(s): Michael Haji-Sheikh, Anima Bose, Leonard Wardzala Abstract This novel sensor is capable of detection and discrimination of low-molecular weight volatile compounds, such as organic vapors and therefore can be used for humidity detection.  The nano-sensor detects substances by the creation of a disturbance in the capacitance of the nano-sensor by the substance to be sensed.  Humidity sensors are utilized in a variety of sensing applications and can be implemented in the context of semiconductor-based sensors utilized in many industrial applications and electronic components such as heating and refrigeration industries, food industries, medical industries, and fuel cell industries.  The nano-sensor can be used in instrumentation in environmental systems, fuel cell humidification systems, and planetary soil moisture measurements.  Other potential uses employing detection of other chemical substances exist, such as detection of hydrogen for safety applications and fuel cell fuel mixtures.  This sensor creation technique can also be integrated into a semiconductor circuit.  The nano-porous material can be put directly on a gate of a MOS device then patterned and etched. Potential commercial use and users: Heating and refrigeration, food, medical, and fuel cell industries Advantages: This new technology includes extended temperature range, faster response time, and greater response signal. Materials employed are low cost and have ease of use. A single nano-sensor can sense multiple compounds or compositions, wherein the nano-sensor is designed to provide a different output or signal based upon the compound to be detected. Status: Patent No. 8,132,457

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