The present technology efficiently solves several challenges and limitations of pre-existing CRD methods and existing laser instruments.
Project Summary Arkansas State University is developing and seeking collaborators and/or licensees for further development of a multi-color cavity ring-down laser absorption spectrometer (CRDS) and detection method. The spectrometer performs real time measurements and detection of multiple species of compounds in less than 5 seconds. The device detects compounds transported through its enclosure, even compounds carried by human breath or emanating from human skin. The present technology efficiently solves several challenges and limitations of pre-existing CRD methods and existing laser instruments. The multi-color optical spectrometer provides a greater level of selectivity and real time capability by allowing simultaneous measurements of multiple wavelengths. In one example, the LOD of ammonia (NH3) was demonstrated to be less than 2 ppb by volume at the 99.97% confidence level. Applications Military, defense, and law enforcement sectors Medical diagnostics and screening (e.g. diabetes, breast cancer) Environmental science (e.g. soil, water, and ambient air contamination)