The integrated system drastically reduces the cost in groundwater modeling and significantly enhances the ability to quickly model large, complex groundwater systems.
Executive Summary Groundwater is the most extracted raw material in the world. As such, it is crucial that companies and governments are able to understand exactly how their use of groundwater affects the immediate area. Visualizing where groundwater is located, how chemical contaminants affect groundwater over time, and predicting how weather will affect water levels are all outputs of this innovative MSU software. Description of Technology The invention enables groundwater modeling in ways previously impractical, eliminating bottlenecks in the use of big data and complex 3D modeling. The integrated system drastically reduces the cost in groundwater modeling and significantly enhances the ability to quickly model large, complex groundwater systems. Additionally, this delivery mechanism fosters open innovation and collaboration of the user community from which the collective intelligence of the system, as a whole, expands. Key Benefits Real-time: Updates to models occur regularly based on well and aquifer data Streamlining of data: Works to eliminate bottlenecks of data transfer Pre-processes data: Allow for faster simulation of areas of interest on the front-end 3D modeling: Groundwater, rivers, and lakes can all be modeled with the program Widely accessible: Pull information from a cloud-based server to view information on any device, anywhere Applications USGS surveying Environmental Consulting Bottled water Municipal water treatment facilities Flood prediction/management Patent Status: Under Review Licensing Rights Available Full licensing rights