This mid-pregnancy serum biomarker test can accurately and effectively identify pregnancies that will deliver before 32-weeks of gestation.
Invention Novelty This mid-pregnancy serum biomarker test can accurately and effectively identify pregnancies that will deliver before 32-weeks of gestation. Technology Description Currently, there is no comprehensive and reliable test that can be performed in mid-pregnancy to predict preterm birth. Researchers at University of California, San Francisco have developed an early spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB) diagnostic test that combines three maternal characteristics and 14 serum markers related to placental and immune system function. The markers in this model were identified from the study of more than 346 singleton pregnancies. This highly accurate test will allow the early identification of pregnant women at risk for pre-term birth that would benefit from existing and low-cost interventions to delay delivery or improve fetal outcomes such as low-dose aspirin treatment. Looking for Partners To develop & commercialize a diagnostic that would help mid-pregnant women prevent pre-term birth. Stage of Development Proof of Concept