Meili FMS is a universal mobile robot management platform for seamless fleet coordination and optimization across various brands and models..


Since January 2020, Meili Robots provides a universal fleet management system (FMS) for mobile robots. Meili FMS enables users to manage their entire fleet from one platform, regardless of model, type, or brand of robot.

Key Benefits

Interoperability between different robot types and brands is a growing concern in various facilities across the industries. More users are diversifying their fleets for different applications and operations. Currently, robot manufacturers develop their own FMS, which means minimal-to-none correlation between systems. In other words, the robots cannot communicate amongst each other, causing delays in operations, accidents, and collisions — ultimately increasing operation costs while diminishing safety and efficiency substantially. There is a need for a universal third-party solution that can bridge the gap and enable seamless operation for the robots to function collectively rather than individually. At the same time, by having an overview of the whole fleet, robot management becomes much more effective. And that’s where we come in.

To optimise operational efficiency and safety, Meili FMS comes with 3 key features: 1) Task Allocation to manage all aspects of automated and non-automated assignments; 2) Traffic Control to predict real-time bottlenecks and regulate traffic at intersections; 3) Route Planning to streamline productivity and prevent obstructions or delays.


Our primary target groups are end-users of mobile robots in industrial and/or indoor environments (typically warehouses or factories), robot vendors/manufacturers (OEMs), and integrators and distributors of other robotics software.

Market verticals range from industrial sites (warehouses and factories), retail, hospitals, agriculture, and security.

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