Demonstrated activity against Vibrio spp. pathogens, with relevance in aquaculture production and human medicine.


Technology Description A newly identified marine bacterium strain useful as an aquaculture probiotic. Preliminary inhibition assays demonstrate that full cell culture and cell-free culture supernatant of the probiotic are sufficient to inhibit growth of the following Vibrio species: V.coralliilyticus (oysters and corals), V.parahaemolyticus (seafood-borne disease, wound infections), V.vulnificius (seafood-borne disease, severe wound infections, septicemia), V.harveyi (opportunistic pathogen of corals and seahorses, and commercially important products like prawn, lobster, barramundi, snook, and milkfish), V.mimicus (seafood-borne disease), V.alginolyticus (eye, ear and wound infections), V.cholerae (human pathogen), and others. Pathogenicity studies and infection trials have been conducted on oyster larvae and corals supplemented with the probiotic bacteria with overwhelmingly positive results. Oregon State University is seeking a license interested in developing an aquaculture probiotic or food supplement based on the probiotic bacteria. Collaborations focused on exploring human health and marine environment applications are also welcome. Features & Benefits Broad activity against Vibrio spp. for wide coverage in a single product A natural, sustainable solution against oyster larva die-offs and coral bleaching Demonstrated activity against Vibrio spp. pathogens, with relevance in aquaculture production and human medicine Applications Aquaculture probiotic Human medicine probiotic Feed/food supplement Background of Invention Vibrio spp. are important pathogens in aquaculture systems and marine environments, and human disease. In the aquaculture industry, many species are linked to increased product mortality. For example, V. coralliilyticus is linked to hatchery mortalities of larval oysters. With such devastating potential, there is a strong need in the aquaculture industry for a means to protect against V. coralliilyticus and other Vibrio sp. The aquaculture additives market was worth over USD 900 million in 2015, with estimated gains at 4.1% CAGR from 2016 to 2023. However, the use of antibiotics has become disapproved in recent years. Probiotics fill the void for effective, safe, and sustainable treatment options in aquaculture systems.  

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