Softools have partnered with Bell Integration to bring the power of IoT into business processes as a pragmatic managed service that focusses on business outcomes.


Softools enable business process applications to be developed by business people at speed.

Bell Integration bring a seamless IoT managed service to clients providing real time data driven insights and cover all aspects from selection of sensors, installation through to providing reports, dashboards and live triggers.

Together Softools and Bell Integration have partnered to fuse these real time data insights into business processes automating actions to bring efficiency and compliance to our corporate customers.

Key Benefits

Automate next best actions from real time data insights

Managed service from sensor selection, procurement, installation, data management to application configuration and support

  • Scalable proof of value to full deployment utilising the same core infrastructure
  • Full management end to end from device to reporting outcome.

-The multi-tenancy application portal for the customers solution delivery.

- Real time visualisation of customer specific requirements and reporting.

- White label designs specific for each customers requirements.

IoT Service Management

- Tools to design the IoT Project – create spatial locations and business assets, specify the device type to use and the Configuration Profile to apply to each device, with installer notes and location-specific meta data.

- Field service tools to install and operate the device fleet – task scheduling with a mobile app for Android and iOS for all device operations. Scan the manufacturer’s barcode/QR code to identify the device or search the Organisations inventory. The installer gets immediate feedback as to whether the device has activated and is communicating effectively.

- In-life monitoring ensure all devices continue to communicate and raises an alert if the device goes offline or the battery is reported as low with automated tickets via ServiceNow.

- A full audit trail across the lifecycle of the device shows where it is, who installed it, where it’s been previously and how its configured.

- All Service Management actions are available through a Rest API for integration with wider solutions.

IoT Data Pipeline

- The data pipeline handles communication to and from the device, and onward publishing to the application.

- Data is securely ingested at hyperscale. Each device type has specific protocol handlers and payload decoding, providing normalised data to the application, regardless of device type.

- Spatial and contextual meta-data is added to the message, allowing applications to subscribe to sensors at asset locations, rather than needing to track individual device IDs. If a device is replaced in life, the data from the location remains consistent with no change to the application.

- A low-code runtime allows business logic to be inserted into the pipeline – for example to transform the payload for a given receiving application.

- All data is stored in an Influx time series database, with a default 30-day retention.  

- Data can be streamed to an application using HTTP (webhook or websocket) or MQTT.

- Data may also be published on a scheduled basis into Azure Data Lake Gen 2, AWS S3 or Amazon Quicksight calculation engine (via S3).

Application Development to maximise value from IoT driven data insights

- Once data is being collected from sensors businesses need the ability to view this information for the following purposes

  1. Trend information to inform how assets are performing which enables analytics including AI Time-series analysis which enable predictive insights and actions
  2. Triggers - when thresholds are crossed event triggers (e.g. A refrigeration unit's temperature is too high or Noise levels are above normal operating levels) are created requiring specific actions to be executed.

Each IoT use case will carry specific downstream business processes based on trends or triggers.

Softools application platform enables rapid configuration of these processes through information capture, workflow automation and offers a system of engagement between interested parties.

For example, for the refridgeration example, the Softools application can hold information regarding maintenance contractors for each asset and location, inform them when a trigger is crossed and also digitally capture information about the resolution, root cause, time/expenses.

The applications can complete the information loop outside of the real time sensor data by also providing access to knowledge for maintenance, scheduled maintenance frequencies with automated alerts for scheduling these.

Softools platform integrates with AI to provide users with insights such as suggesting similar previous incidents and AI based search.

One major advantage of using Softools platform for the application layer is Applications can be created centrally and then locally customised. Ideal for multiple site/global operations.


Leak detection / flow monitoring

Production line speed monitoring

AI insights

Application market place (Catalogue suite of IoT Solutions)

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