The Cyber Stars initiative was developed to address a shortfall in Cyber Security Awareness programmes in two primary areas.


The Cyber Stars Initiative is split into three primary pillars. Stage 1 – Human Risk Profiling Spear Phishing Testing Criminal method of operating and crime analysis indicates that up to 85% of all successful breaches against businesses begin with social engineering driven spear phishing. Mass phishing exercises are unrealistic in terms of testing infrastructure and do not best represent how a criminal body would operate. As part of our Spear Phishing campaigns we better replicate criminal methodologies, exploiting a smaller percentage of the organisation with very specific and tailored emails to identify specific areas of risk and individuals best suited to the programme. Executive Digital Footprint Profiling CEO fraud and the extortion, blackmail and physical threats to executives as a result of their digital footprint continues to increase. Our digital footprint profiling identifies links between professional and personal footprint to best advise as to where digital risk exists and how an individual could be exploited by malicious actors. Stage 2 – Behavioural Change through Effective Education Cyber Stars Initiative A 5-hour programme developed specifically to engage people with risk to them as an individual and allow identification of how personal, familial and professional relationships are exploited by cyber criminals. Cyber Stars content is all based around real life, sector specific case studies and follows 4 main categories. The nature and scale of cyber threat (Realising the scale and escalating nature of the problem) Cyber threat actors and their motivations (The who and why – explaining the breadth and depth of threat) Cyber threat techniques – Social Engineering, malware (Ransomware focus), Network Attack (DDoS and IOT) Home and Remote Working – Wifi, Social Media Risk, Password Security, VPN, Effective Response. Cyber Stars Lite Not everyone needs to be a fully qualified Cyber Star, but everyone does need a level of training. Cyber Stars Lite is a 38 minute, engaging film based learning experience with assessment that allows individuals to engage with people acting and making the same poor choices that we do everyday, yet realising the consequences of those actions in a safe and controlled environment. Please view the Cyber Stars Lite trailer here: Stage 3 – Sustainable Learning The Cyber Stars Portal In a world where cyber security threats evolve on an almost daily basis and an estimated 60,000new strains of malware are created this week it is essential that both individuals and organisations stay aware. The Cyber Stars Portal takes 15 of the best Cyber Security news feeds from around the world and packages them up into one site that can then be accessed by our Cyber Stars to stay current. More importantly, Cyber Stars are able to share relevant threats with their colleagues and families.

Key Benefits

- Increase cyber security awareness - Presents its information in an approachable and easy to understand format - Influences behavioural change by encouraging pro-active learning


Cyber Stars is not an annual programme, we need just one attempt to change behaviour, understanding and acceptance of cyber risk, yet there are often regulatory requirements to continually assess competence related to cyber risk. This does not mean that we need to spend time retraining individuals that fully understand cyber threat, mitigation and appropriate response. This is often costly and works against our aim in developing a positive and proactive culture of cyber security risk. The continuous assessment tool works by emailing every individual a few times a week, taking no longer than 15 seconds for an individual to answer questions and demonstrate that knowledge has been retained. When understanding is demonstrated the software then goes dormant until such a time as knowledge must be retested.  

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