The variable channel doping in vertical transistors, such as in a gradual channel doping SiC MOSFET, reduces Ron and increases BV of the transistors at the same time.
The variable channel doping in vertical transistors, such as in a gradual channel doping SiC MOSFET, reduces Ron and increases BV of the transistors at the same time. The high BV is desired for reliability/safety and the lower on-state current is for reducing the conduction energy loss. The variation in doping is achieved using multiple implantations or in-situ doping during epitaxial growth.
Key Benefits
Doping in the channel can be used to optimize threshold voltage, on-state current and off state BV at the same time. The simulation result shows that 2X-4X improvement of on-state current is possible for the same BV. Variable doping in channel can be achieved by solely adjusting the dopant precursor gas flow during epitaxial growth. Hence, no additional cost. Minimal modification is required to existing manufacturing process. It is compatible with commercially available technologies for transistor manufacture.
The primary focus of variable channel doping in a vertical transistor is to make the critical power circuits, in particular the power converter, more energy efficient with enhanced performance.