Patented, automotive suspension tech enabling ultra-low through-life CO2/GHG/NOX/PM2.5 emission, ultra-narrow, congestion-busting, fully enclosed Narrow Leaning Vehicles (NLVs).
With electrification, average height/width of cars has added frontal-area, increasing aerodynamic-drag. This and low-slung batteries to lower Cg, have expanded mass/volume, reducing power-efficiency potential [Zuto, Autocar, Knauf Automotive, Car Throttle]. Top-12 European OEMs fined estimated €14.65m in 2021 by Euro6 legislation for average range-emissions. [PA Consulting Group]. Euro7 draft defined. Ultra-low frontal area/road-footprint M1 NLVs have potential to reset this balance for end-users, with positive PR-effects, fine-avoidance for OEMs. New downsized vehicle-type/s offer highest probability/incentive to persuade reluctant, habitual motorists out of cars, taxis/PHV/Ubers, as they offer all the convenience and comfort of cars, with additional advantages too. Air/noise pollution, road/parking congestion, access, inclusivity, power-efficiency, CO2/NOX/GHG/PM2.5 emissions can all be addressed with modular solutions, as part of a matrix of technologies.
Key Benefits
NLVs allow right-sizing of cost-effective vehicles for single-occupancy 62% of car journeys [Statista 2022], 87% of commutes [DfT]. 89% of daytime taxi/PHV journeys are zero/one passenger in central London [Stryker]. Therefore larger cars could be hired-on-demand for the remaining percentage of trips. UK drivers lost average 73 hours each in 2021 to congestion. London became most congested city globally in 2021, average 148 hours [Inrix 2021]. UK economy could save
Safe, weather-proof, cyclist-friendly, pedestrian-friendly vehicles used for time-sensitive/rainy/icy journeys (eg medical) deliveries, private-hire, to-airport/rail, taxi, hospital-appointments, police, paramedics, privately owned, or hired-on-demand MaaS. Unfortunately, some existing micro-mobility solutions allow bikes/scooters (including hire-by-hour ones) to be chained to lamp-posts/driven on pavements, left abandoned, causing inconvenience/danger to and precluding access for, some vulnerable groups. Other solutions like wider taxis/PHVs/cars/vans, have unpredictable journey-times in urban areas, as available parking/road-space is decreasing for them. Some vulnerable groups are precluded from public-transport and existing micro-mobility solutions. Remote-driving (unambiguous versus Level 5 autonomous for insurance purposes) and possibly full-autonomy are goals to help offer independence and inclusive access for door-to-door personal mobility for all; including infirm, blind, partially-sighted, epileptic, wheelchair-bound, elderly, clinically obese, limited pathogen-resistant, stroke brain-damaged, heavily pregnant females, no driving-licence, parents, dog-owners, for 24/7/365 use.