The ICAM-1 transgenic model can be used to study rhinovirus related diseases
Rhinoviruses cause the common cold, acute exacerbations of asthma and other serious respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The major group (MG) of rhinovirus serotypes use the human receptor ICAM-1 for cell attachment and entry and do not bind murine ICAM-1, thwarting the use of such models to study rhinovirus related diseases. Researchers have developed a BALB/c strain transgenic for the rhinovirus-binding extracellular domains 1 and 2 of human ICAM-1. As described in their Nature Medicine publication1, MG rhinovirus-infected transgenic BALC/c develop many of the disease-related outcomes seen in human rhinovirus infections including: airway neutrophilic and lymphocytic inflammation mucin secretion induction of various chemokines and proinflammatory cytokines production of virus-specific antibodies The ICAM-1 transgenic model can be used to study rhinovirus related diseases and is available for licence. This technology is currently available for non-exclusive licenses. When contacting us, please quote reference number 2808.