HARVESTWISE -remote, non-invasive sensors to predict the best harvest time, ensuring peak freshness and quality. It helps farmers reduce waste, boost profits, and sustainability.


HARVESTWISE is at the forefront of agricultural innovation, dedicated to enhancing the quality and efficiency of fruit harvesting through cutting-edge technology. Our brand leverages remote, non-invasive sensor systems to precisely determine the optimal harvest time, ensuring peak freshness and superior quality for consumers. By providing actionable insights and real-time monitoring, HARVESTWISE empowers farmers to reduce waste, increase profitability, and support sustainable farming practices. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability positions HARVESTWISE as a trusted partner in the agricultural industry, driving advancements that benefit both producers and consumers.

Paul Rowland has designed and developed a solution to address an unmet need in the fruit growers' industry in consultation with fruit grower subject matter experts. He currently owns 100% of the IP for his fruit maturity technology, which includes a working IoT prototype that successfully measures the fruit maturity index of fruit within a lab environment. A prominent player in the fruit growing industry is keen to infield test this IoT technology.

Paul's Technology revolutionizes fruit industry practices by providing invaluable data-driven insights for stakeholders. Through historical and real-time fruit quality data analysis, the system enables informed decisions on crop planning and resource allocation, fostering continuous improvement. This technological edge ensures the delivery of superior produce, attracting premium buyers and securing a strong market position. Additionally, Paul's Technology promotes sustainability by minimizing resource wastage through precise harvesting, reducing environmental impact while enhancing traceability from farm to market. This comprehensive approach bolsters consumer confidence and ensures compliance with traceability standards and regulations, cementing its significance in the competitive agricultural landscape.

Even though Paul has successfully demonstrated an MVP using LoRaWAN protocol in a laboratory setting, the technology requires additional refinement to develop a model ready for infield testing. The proposed solution aims to address this by leveraging La Trobe University's internal resources and infrastructure.

Paul's technology is a perfect usecase to demonstarte the effectiveness of the orchard connectivity and as such partnering Dr Kan Yu will be using this innovation to support his submission for the HORT Orchard Connectivity Challenge.

Key Benefits

Key Benefits of HARVESTWISE

Optimized Harvest Timing:

Accurately predicts the ideal time to harvest fruit, ensuring maximum freshness and quality.

Reduced Waste:

Minimizes the risk of overripe or underripe produce, leading to less waste and higher efficiency in farming operations.

Increased Profitability:

Enhances the market value of produce by ensuring peak quality, leading to better prices and higher profits for farmers.

Sustainable Practices:

Supports environmentally friendly farming by reducing resource waste and promoting efficient use of inputs.

Real-Time Monitoring:

Provides continuous, real-time data and insights, allowing farmers to make informed decisions and adjust strategies promptly.

Improved Consumer Satisfaction:

Ensures that consumers receive the freshest and highest-quality fruit, enhancing their overall satisfaction and loyalty.

Scalable and Versatile:

Suitable for a wide range of fruit types and adaptable to various farm sizes and conditions, making it a versatile solution for different agricultural contexts.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency:

Streamlines the harvesting process, reducing labor costs and improving overall farm management efficiency.

By implementing HARVESTWISE, farmers and agricultural businesses can significantly improve their productivity, sustainability, and profitability, ultimately transforming their operations for the better.


Applications of HARVESTWISE

HARVESTWISE is designed to serve a diverse range of stakeholders within the agricultural industry. Our target market includes:

Fruit Farmers and Growers:

Small to large-scale fruit farmers seeking to optimize harvest timing, improve fruit quality, and enhance profitability through precise, data-driven decisions.

Agribusiness Companies:

Large agricultural enterprises and corporations looking for advanced technology solutions to improve operational efficiency, reduce waste, and ensure consistent quality across vast farming operations.

Agricultural Cooperatives:

Cooperatives aiming to support their member farmers with innovative tools to increase yield quality, reduce losses, and enhance market competitiveness.

Produce Distributors and Suppliers:

Companies involved in the supply chain of fresh produce, from distributors to wholesalers, who require accurate harvest timing to maintain the freshness and quality of their products.

Retailers and Supermarkets:

Retail chains and supermarkets that demand high-quality, fresh produce to meet consumer expectations and reduce spoilage during transportation and storage.

Agricultural Research Institutions:

Universities and research organizations conducting studies on crop improvement, sustainability, and precision agriculture technologies.

Government and Regulatory Bodies:

Government agencies and agricultural departments seeking to implement advanced technologies to boost national agricultural productivity and sustainability.

Technology Integrators and Agritech Startups:

Companies developing complementary agricultural technologies that can integrate with HARVESTWISE to provide comprehensive solutions for modern farming challenges.

By targeting these market segments, HARVESTWISE aims to drive innovation across the agricultural sector, ensuring that all stakeholders benefit from the enhanced quality, efficiency, and sustainability that our technology delivers.

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