Indigenous bacteria can be analyzed from produced water, nutrient will be developed and injected to reservoir to stimulate NRB which will out compete SRB, to prevent H2S occurrence


Select Water is a public listed company in US, with market cap ~$1.5B. Select is specialized in oil field water handling and chemical solutions for hydraulic fracturing and production. This microbial technology was successfully applied to many oil fields worldwide, with more than 70 wells.

Key Benefits

  1. Prevent reservoir souring (H2S)
  2. No formation damage, environmentally friendly
  3. Cost effective, easy plug in facility, no need to modify existing surface facilities


Ideal target for this technology is waterflooding fields, where nutrient will be injected to reservoir along with water injectors; it brings improvements of conformance control and souring prevention.

Another application scenario is to restore hydraulic fractures permeability reduction due to friction reducer.

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