Play is a loyalty app for centres & cities. We collect customer behaviour & spending data from offline shopping. We are one of the most innovative & creative companies in Europe.


Goloyal collects and analyses customer data from offline shopping. By connecting shopping destinations such as shopping centres and cities with our product Goloyal Play, we have created the possibility to build an ecosystem of digital profiles for offline shopping. As one of the first companies in the world we provide transaction data through our card linking and PSD2 connections. With information about spending, we provide insights that have never been seen before. Goloyal Play is a loyalty program for shopping centres and cities. Play is both a marketing tool and an insight platform creating the necessary value for turning unidentified customers into members. Play gathers all stamp cards in a city or centre and rewards members as soon as their digital stamps have been reached. Join the program, connect your credit card or bank account and continue to shop as you always do. The rewards will start coming instantly!

Key Benefits

Goloyal Play is based on over 10 years of experience working with shopping centre and cities. The product is based on creating value for the real estate, creating value for members and creating value for the retailers. By doing this we form the base for collecting customer data and making the most out of it. Building a customer program in the fragmented shopping arena is not the same thing as doing it for specific brands. It is about understanding the complexity and it is about many small details. All of them build into the program. Some examples 1. Based on challenges not deals 2. PSD2 & Card-linked 3. Fully automatic, no risk for app-apathy 4. Based on gameification


Our product is specially designed for shopping centres, cities, high streets and outlets

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