Our first of a kind Energy Monitoring System helps users to monitor asset-level energy consumption without dedicated hardware and headcount.


GoGreen is a London-based cleantech startup on a mission to facilitate a more inclusive transition to net zero for businesses everywhere. To us, a more inclusive transition is one in which every business is able to participate in, and benefit from, the economic promise of net zero. The economic promise of net zero is that long-term financial returns from reducing total energy consumption and switching to cleaner energy sources by 2050 will significantly exceed the required upfront investment.

Key Benefits

Our novel software helps users take faster action to achieve their net zero goals by making it cheaper and safer to identify energy reduction opportunities in their non-domestic buildings.

This is possible because our novel software has three advantages over conventional alternatives. It is more:

  1. Accessible - because it assigns a virtual monitoring point to every asset on a site. This avoids the need to deploy dedicated hardware and headcount to designate physical monitoring points in business-critical, remote or restricted areas.
  2. Affordable - since it leverages our proprietary machine learning model with existing energy meter(s) and asset register(s) on a site to infer near-real time energy consumption at every virtual monitoring point. This avoids the need to deploy dedicated hardware and headcount for data collection and processing.
  3. Available - because it relies on 24/7 automated workflows to power an intuitive web dashboard. This avoids the need to deploy dedicated hardware and headcount for data analysis and visualisation.


Users of our novel software are organisations that either own or operate non-domestic (i.e., commercial, industrial, and public) buildings.

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