An App for overlaying digital information regarding the quality of fruit & vegetables and their shelf-life. Powered by an AI trained using synthetic data to create a robust system.


Our innovative solution leverages our extensive knowledge of 3D technology to create highly realistic digital replicas of real-world fruits and vegetables. These digital copies are then placed in diverse environments, under varying lighting conditions, and subjected to different physical conditions. By doing so, we can rapidly expand our training datasets without the need to physically transport large amounts of actual produce.

These digital replicas can also be virtually packaged, stacked, and stored in familiar environments for AI training. Importantly, our technique allows us to capture images from any angle, at any resolution, and from any distance—all within seconds. This efficiency stands in stark contrast to the time-consuming process of setting up physical data collection enterprises. The AI produced is also comparatively highly robust, overcoming environmental disparencies found in the real world.

Once our AI model is developed, it will be integrated into a mobile application. Users can simply photograph or point their camera at real fruits or vegetables, and our system will provide digital information about the quality and shelf-life of the targeted produce.

Our solution directly addresses the challenge of minimising food wastage. Food producers can swiftly scan through their produce to identify the highest-quality items and determine the most appropriate sell-by dates. Additionally, consumers benefit by being able to select the best produce for their needs and by being encouraged to consume soon-to-be-outdated items they’ve purchased.

OR3D is a 3D technology consultancy providing a wide range of 3D scanning solutions, including portable laser scanners, laser trackers, terrestrial scanners and X-ray scanning machines. Utilising our technology, we have developed AI for the University of Oxford for observing the decay of Pyrite based on it's colour, and crack detection and analysis for a UK national civil critical infrastructure project.

Our products & services cater to a wide range of industries and applications such as product design and development, architectural design, manufacturing and prototyping, simulation and analysis, medical and healthcare. Working with our in-house R&D & Service teams, we are well placed to provide programming solutions and computer models for manufacturing, bespoke Artificial Intelligence, custom AR/VR programs, reverse engineering projects, or X-ray inspection. We have the expertise, equipment and experience to assist. 

Key Benefits

The key benefits of our innovation are as follows:

  • Reduce food wastage by identifying current quality of target produce
  • Rapid AI scaling utilising synthetic data, decreasing typical AI turnaround times.
  • Highly robust AI trained in relevant scenarios, lighting and conditions.
  • Technology is applicable to any produce given a relatively small data set to train from.
  • Mobile solution for ease of use and deployment
  • Solution enables Ease of Access options (Capable of showing nutrition, calories and reading out information to people requiring accessible information.)


Our innovation is tailored towards the Fruit & Vegetable production markets and consumers looking to select the highest-quality fruit & vegetable products. These sectors both benefit from being able to rapidly and reliably identify produce quality.

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