Apex Autonomous Forklifts automate EPAL pallet movement from storage to trucks, navigating obstacles, adjusting routes, and optimizing space with precise, real-time adjustments.


ForwardX Robotics is a global leader in vision-based Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) technology, delivering innovative end-to-end material handling solutions for warehousing and manufacturing facilities. With its advanced fleet management software serving as the orchestration engine, combined with the widest range of vision-first AMRs, ForwardX Robotics helps businesses achieve higher performance and value within their supply chain operations.


ForwardX has deployed over 3,000 AMRs in over 220 facilities across 5 continents, consistently delivering on its promises of increased productivity and reduced costs for numerous Fortune 500 customers such as BYD, ABB, and TCL. With offices in the US, Japan, Korea, and China, along with partnerships around the globe, ForwardX is expanding and applying its proven solutions to empower the workforce of tomorrow.

Key Benefits

Increased Efficiency: Apex Autonomous Forklifts streamline the pallet loading process, reducing manual labor and speeding up operations.

Real-Time Adaptability: The forklifts can navigate obstacles and adjust routes in real-time, ensuring continuous and smooth operations.

Space Optimization: With precise pallet placement, the forklifts optimize truck loading, maximizing space utilization and reducing transportation costs.

Safety Improvements: Automated systems reduce the risk of human error and accidents, enhancing workplace safety.

Seamless Integration: The solution integrates with existing conveyor systems and WMS, ensuring coordinated and efficient operations.

Reliability and Consistency: The forklifts' ability to handle pallets accurately, even when laid askew, ensures consistent performance and reliability.

Scalability: The solution can be scaled to meet the needs of different facilities and varying volumes of operations.

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