-Novel fire hose testing apparatus -Tests for convection and radiation -Adjustable heat flux -Repeatable and consistent results -Adjustable panels for varying hose diameters
Recent research has shown that fire attack hoses are vulnerable to being burned through by the very fire they are intended to defeat. When testing fire hoses, today’s codes and standards only account for conductive heat transfer, failing to account for convection and radiation, both of which are prevalent at the scene of a fire. In order to addresses this problem, researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) have developed a novel fire attack hose testing apparatus. This apparatus is designed to test fire hoses of varying diameter for their ability to perform while under convective and radiative exposures representative of those on the fireground. The novel testing apparatus, which utilizes a chamber, radiant panel, duct heater and fan, and adjustable side panels, is the first of its kind to produce repeatable and consistent results. This novel device can easily be adopted and utilized in future standardized testing procedures. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has already expressed interest in this apparatus. The NFPA has included a placeholder for a convection and radiation test in the first draft of their next fire hose standard, NFPA 1961. Key Features Novel fire hose testing apparatus Tests for convection and radiation Adjustable heat flux Repeatable and consistent results Adjustable panels for varying hose diameters