Our highly controllable nanoparticle production process can produce highly efficient raw materials for cathodes and anodes that improve the energy density, increasing range etc


Pharm2farm uses a patented process for producing and functionalising nanoparticles for various applications including human, animal, crop health and advanced materials. Unlike competing nanotechnology production processes, such as hydrothermal synthesis, Pharm2farm’s process has the following advantages: Uniform and controlled particle size: better control over reaction time thereby allowing for a more uniform particle distribution Functionalisation / coating: high temperatures (>260C) used in capping nanoparticles limits the bioactive compounds that can be used to those stable at high temperature. Pharm2Farm uses a mechanical process to coat nanoparticles Highly efficient: Pharm2farm’s process uses significantly less energy (at 60C compared to 350C for hydrothermal) than competing technologies Small footprint: Pham2farm’s technology uses less than a quarter of the space required and can be commissioned in a small lab space

Key Benefits

Pharm 2 Farm will produce active materials for lithium-ion battery cells by: substituting graphite in the anode with nano silica substituting metallic cathode metals (nickel, cobalt, aluminium, and manganese) with the nano equivalents thus improving the energy density,thereby increasing range, improve the life, improve charging speed and contribute significantly to improving resource efficiency.


Our technology can be applied to the following area of electronics. We can apply this technology to the following places within the electronics industry • Printed electronics • Sensor systems • Imaging technology • Green Chemistry • Optical electronics • High-performance polymers • Energy harvesting and storage but can also be used in the following sectors including but not limited to Agriculture, Food and Drink, Electronics, Cosmetics, coatings and Medical applications

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