Integrated web-based platform for techno-economic modelling of multi-energy systems. Its advanced optimisation engine leverages flexibility sources to generate least-cost planning


Artelys is an independent company specialised in optimisation, decision support and modelling. In particular, Artelys develops the Artelys Crystal platform dedicated to techno-economic modelling of energy systems. The platform is built for multi-energy modelling, namely gas (natural gas, biomethane, hydrogen), power, heating or reserves. It represents all the assets composing the system: generation assets from various technologies (renewables, thermal, gas, hydro, etc.), storage assets (both gas and power), network assets (pipelines and transmission lines), and demand assets (load and flexible load). A forecasting module enables to base the decision on the best knowledge available for the influencing variables such as energy demand, prices, or climate data (temperatures in particular). Our software suite composes of several software, including Artelys Crystal Super Grid for studying interconnected networks, markets and systems, and Artelys Crystal Energy Planner for operational management of multi-energy systems. This innovation focuses on the latest: Artelys Crystal Energy Planner. Its objective is to perform the economic dispatch to operate energy systems at least cost, taking detailed technical constraints into account. Relying on a state-of-the-art optimisation engine, the platform is able to leverage all the sources of flexibility of the system (while meeting the aforementioned technical constraints), so as to help planning the system in a cost-efficient and reliable way. The Artelys Crystal technology has been applied with great results on power and gas systems co-optimisation in various contexts (e.g. analysis of the role of each energy vector in long-term scenarios, including power-to-gas). Our offer for this challenge consists in a tailored modelling of power and gas systems, integrated in a web-based co-optimisation platform.

Key Benefits

By its most advanced modelling and optimisation capabilities, the software brings as key benefit economic efficiency: minimise the system’s total cost by using resources the most adequately, considering all leverages of flexibility in a systematic way. For one specific player (West & Wales Utilities here), it enables to operate the gas network taking into account its interactions with the National Transmission System (and power system), the demand-side and this flexibility potentials, and eventually power-to-gas assets, in an optimal way. The economic benefit is only valid if they are achievable. The flexibility of our platform allows for a great level of model customization to reflect operational constraints. It results in realistic planning, which is needed to achieve these gains. Through its operational features, the software ensures a reliable planning process, efficient and auditable. The software enables to automatically import data from various sources (flat formats, web services, data bases), to launch simulation, analyze those through a set of indicators, and export or share the schedule. This process can be used for day-ahead simulations, and for real time updates whenever new data is available.


Artelys is recognized as a world-class company in energy system modelling and decision support. Artelys assists utilities, regulators, network operators, cities and Departments of Energy in Europe, North America and Africa to better understand and operate their systems. Artelys is also used to carry out R&D projects to develop advanced mathematical or computational techniques to maintain our tools at the edge of the technology. Artelys keeps innovating to optimise systems that are more complex, with more data and provide finer insight on systems operations. Our references include: - Several gas/power studies in Europe: o “Investigation on the interlinkage between gas and electricity scenarios and infrastructure projects assessment“ for ENTSOG and ENTSO-E, 2019 o “Value of the gas storage infrastructure for the electricity system” for Gas Infrastructure Europe, 2019 o “Cost-benefit analysis of electricity storage and power-to-gas at the 2035 horizon in France”, Ademe, ATEE - Several utilities software deployment o The Ivory Coast power utility (CIE) uses our technology for operational management of their generation assets o An electric utility UEM in France uses Artelys Crystal Energy Planner to operate their cogeneration system and place bids on day-ahead and balancing markets o North-American hydropower utility Brookfield Renewable uses our technology to optimise their hydro reservoir operations - Confidential study. Preparatory study for the development of an IT tool for optimising compression stations of a gas network. The underlying optimisation problem is a complex nonlinear problem where decision variables are not all continuous (existence of binary variables associated with compressor starts / stops and interconnection valve openings / closings). The study made it possible to specify the economic interest and the feasibility of an IT tool for optimising compression stations and to define a framework for developing the tool. - Next - a collaborative project financed by the French Energy Agency (ADEME), France. Coordinated by Artelys and in partnership with GEG, INRIA and L2EP, NEXT consists in developing a simulation and optimisation tool for the design of flexible distribution power grids (production flexibilities, consumption, storage, multi-energy flexibilities, fine-tuning of the network …)

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