RESEARCH GOALS · Achieving rational design of materials/structures with unique functionalities for efficient energy storage/conversion
RESEARCH GOALS · Achieving rational design of materials/structures with unique functionalities for efficient energy storage/conversion · Understanding the effect of structure, composition, morphology, and defects on electrical, chemical, catalytic, and electrochemical properties of ionic and electronic conductors ACTIVITIES & INTERESTS · Synthesis and fabrication, in situ characterization, and multi-scale modeling of membranes, thin films, and nanostructured electrodes with heterogeneous surfaces and interfaces · Developing new strategies and novel materials for efficient and cost-effective chemical and energy transformation SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS (SOFCs) New Sulfur- and Coking-Resistant Materials for SOFCs Technology ID: 4673 · New anode with high sulfur and coking resistance using barium zirconate-cerate co-doped with ytttrium and ytterbium material—BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.1Yb0.1O3–δ (BZCYYb) · Very high ionic conductivity below 750 °C, enabling low-temperature fabrication of high-power SOFCs · No observable change in power output when fuel switched to one contaminated with 50 ppm H2S · Very effective for in situ reformation of hydrocarbons, which should help inhibit coking · Displayed impressive power output and superior tolerance to coking and sulfur poisoning · U.S. Patent: 8,932,781 Improved Components to Lower Costs of Intermediate-Temperature SOFCs Technology ID: 7263 · Fuel cell design including an anode with an optimized doped ceria catalyst · Active for wet and dry reforming of methane
Key Benefits
- higher performance - higher stability
electrical, chemical, catalytic, and electrochemical properties of ionic and electronic conductors