EF impacts cell membrane permeability, reduces enzyme activity, bacterial count, fat oxidation rates and drip loss. Extends preservation. Energy Efficient. CE-marked.


  • Post-harvest losses of perishable meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and flowers occur at all points in the value chain, including handling, storage, processing, packaging, transportation and marketing. These losses are a waste of food, human effort, farm inputs, livelihoods, investments and scarce resources such as water.
  • Chilling, freezing, and modified gas in packaging are the most common way to extend the shelf life of perishable goods, but are not the complete answer to post-harvest loss. New solutions should be non-chemical, energy efficient and cost-effective to meet demands for safe, nutritious, and affordable food.
  • Electrostatic field (EF) is a proven, innovative preservation technology. It can maintain post-harvest quality of food, and retaining product freshness for a longer shelf life and rapid thawing of food.
  • EF is non-chemical, energy efficient and cost-effective.
  • CE-marked units are ready for demontration, trial and deployment.

Key Benefits

  • Less food wastage - preservation that is non-chemical and non-thermal
  • Maintain quality food - retain freshness, less drip loss, preserve nutrients
  • Less energy usage - very low running costs, and cost effective
  • Easy to install

  • We have another EF unit for food frying (chips, fish, chicken) which reduces fat content by ~40%, and reduces acrylamide (a probable carcinogen) by ~75%.


  • EF is effective at all points in the value chain, including perishable food handling, storage, processing, packaging, transportation and marketing.
  • Suitable for meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and flowers.

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