Invention replaces the semiconductive docking layer with a conductive layer, dramatically improving the response time and reduces the driving voltage of the EC device.


Description  Electrochromism is the phenomenon displayed by some materials of reversibly changing color when a burst of electrical charge is applied.  Electrochromic (EC) devices have been attracting widely-spread attention as they can be used as smart windows and electronic displays.   In particular, recent research and development progress in organic and polymer electrochromic materials exhibiting different voltage-dependent colors makes EC devices a strong candidate for displays found on cellphones, eReaders, and the like. Current methods of electrochromic display technology often suffer from limited charge diffusion due to the thickness of the docking layer, a porous layer to which the semiconductor material is adhered.  The limited diffusion significantly impedes the switching speed of the electrochromic display and breaks down the active electrochromic material, thus deteriorating the lifetime of the device.  This invention replaces the semiconductive docking layer with a conductive layer, dramatically improving the response time and reduces the driving voltage of the EC device.

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