Easy Smart Grid revolutionizes renewable energy integration with innovative smart grid technology that optimizes electricity distribution and consumption.


Renewable generation imports energy into the grid, whereas energy is exported from the grid to heat pumps and EVs. Matching supply and demand in time therefore improves the situation: Required grid capacity can be reduced if some load is shifted to times of high renewable generation, away from times of high consumption, and import into the grid (flexible generation, battery discharge, V2G) is shifted to times of high consumption.

Substantial potential exists for such time shifting which can be further increased by suitable design (e.g. providing thermal storage) or operation (e.g. charging EVs where they park for longer time), leading to very low-cost flexibility without loss of comfort. Flexibility activation by dynamic tariffs and automated response allows to mobilize and reward flexibility in an efficient way.

Easy Smart Grid has developed an innovative technology to implement this: Its real-time operation avoids stability challenges, allows to fairly and transparently reward the value provided, and allows a resilient, scalable, and easy to migrate implementation.

Key Benefits

A. Cost Efficiency

  • Low ICT Investment: Easy Smart Grid minimizes the need for additional communication networks, reducing both ICT investment and transaction costs.
  • Reduced Energy Costs: Immediate financial returns and reduced energy costs are achieved, especially in isolated grids, leading to significant savings on fuel costs and emissions.

B. Flexibility and Integration

  • Real-Time Trading: The platform enables real-time trading for all actors, with minimal market entry barriers. This allows for dynamic pricing that reflects generation volatility, energy productivity, and customer requirements.
  • Demand Side Management: The system integrates more renewable energy through effective demand-side management, allowing electrical equipment to shift consumption based on real-time price signals.

C. Robust and Secure Operation

  • Data Privacy and Cybersecurity: The system ensures robust and secure operations with strong data privacy and cyber protection measures, enhancing resilience against component failures.
  • Resilience: Designed to be future-proof, the system supports a transition to 100% renewable energy sources, ensuring long-term sustainability and reliability.

D. Environmental and Economic Impact

  • Minimized Storage Investment: By optimally using customer flexibility, the need for large-scale energy storage investments is minimized.
  • Sustainability: The system supports the integration of renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions and promoting cleaner energy generation.

E. Enhanced Grid Stability

  • Local Energy Markets: Easy Smart Grid creates local energy markets that optimize economic performance by maximizing autarky and mobilizing end-customer flexibility for grid stability and congestion management.
  • Real-Time and Decentralized Operation: The system's real-time and decentralized operation helps improve grid stability and resilience, ensuring efficient and cost-optimal operation.


A. Diesel/PV Hybrid Systems

  • Market Segment: Renewable Energy (RE) project developers and industries using diesel and photovoltaic (PV) hybrid systems.
  • Key Needs: Integration of renewable energy sources to reduce fuel costs and emissions while improving energy reliability and efficiency.

B. Isolated Grids

  • Market Segment: Operators of isolated grids, including islands and remote areas.
  • Key Needs: Enhanced grid stability and resilience through demand-side management and real-time trading to maximize the use of local renewable resources.

C. Microgrids

  • Market Segment: Developers and operators of microgrids in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
  • Key Needs: Efficient energy management, cost reduction, and increased use of renewable energy through flexible consumption and dynamic pricing.

D. Urban and Industrial Areas

  • Market Segment: Urban planners, municipalities, and industrial complexes.
  • Key Needs: Implementation of smart grid technologies to support higher shares of renewable energy, reduce operational costs, and improve grid reliability and security.

E. Emerging Markets

  • Market Segment: Emerging economies with growing electricity demand and renewable energy integration goals.
  • Key Needs: Scalable and cost-effective smart grid solutions to manage increasing electricity consumption and support sustainable development.

F. Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure

  • Market Segment: Operators of EV charging networks and infrastructure developers.
  • Key Needs: Integration of EV charging into the grid with real-time monitoring and control to prevent grid bottlenecks and optimize energy use.

G. Smart Cities

  • Market Segment: Smart city initiatives and urban development projects.
  • Key Needs: Advanced digital infrastructure for energy management, enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of urban energy systems.

H. Distributed Network Operators (DNOs)

  • Market Segment: Distribution Network Operators transitioning to Distribution System Operators (DSOs).
  • Key Needs:
  • Grid Flexibility and Stability: Implementing smart grid solutions to manage and balance new connections and increased energy consumption through real-time data and flexible generation and storage.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reducing the need for extensive network reinforcements by using demand-side management and energy demand reduction measures.
  • Integration of Renewables: Facilitating the connection of renewable energy sources and low carbon technologies like solar panels, battery storage systems, and electric vehicles.
  • Enhanced Connectivity: Ensuring robust and secure network connectivity to support the bi-directional flow of energy and data, crucial for the DSO model.

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