Easy deposition of the electrolyte mixture on the nanostructured electrodes.
Improved Dye-Sentitized Solar Cells Iodine-Free Electrolyte for DyeSensitized Solar Cells Overview Dye-Sentitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) are an emerging low-cost third generation photovoltaic technology particularly suited for efficient light to-electricity conversion in indoors low-light environments. Electrolyte leakage due to the corrosive nature of iodine/iodide-containing electrolytes is currently the key issue preventing the technology’s productisation and wider deployment. How It Works UCD researchers have invented a new type of quasi-solid-state electrolyte based on metal oxides and viscous non-volatile solvents available off the shelves. Benefits Easy deposition of the electrolyte mixture on the nanostructured electrodes Non-aggressive electrolyte composition based on commercially available materials. Protection A priority patent application was filed in the UK in Q2 2013, onwards to nationalisation in Q4 2015 Inventors Ravi Thampi