The DINGO is a portable vapour detector with the sensitivity of a sniffer dog. It has a broad chemical library, and is capable of responding to Australia's top priority pests


The DINGO is set to completely redefine biosecurity suverillance capabilities on a global scale. Our technology combines quantum components with novel spectroscopy techniques to provide highly accurate and sensitive measurements of vapours. This enables rapid screening for invasive insects, to confirming workspaces are free from harmful residual fumigants. The DINGO works just like a sniffer dog, by sampling the vapours in the environment and processing in real-time. Imagine if a sniffer dog could rapidly alert users via a network to the presence of any potential biosecurity concern.

Key Benefits

The DINGO offers significantly improved screening and surveillance capabilities for biosecurity requirements. With the ability to detect a wide range of compounds down to trace levels (parts per billion), the number of false positives is significantly reduced. This means no more costly down time due to equipment incorrectly responding, ensuring logistics run smoothly and most importantly, safely.


The DINGO has a broad spectrum of uses, ranging from Agriculture to Mining to Defence. Any industry that has potentially harmful vapours (either gas or aerosols) will significantly benefit by utilising the DINGO. It is small enough to be mounted on an airborne or ground drone, can be fixed in place, or carried in by a human. The options are endless, and the outcomes are potentially life saving.

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