Loamin uses AI and spatial statistics to produce accurate and scalable quantification and mapping of climate and nature metrics across agricultural supply chains.


Loamin is a geospatial intelligence company that specialises in mapping key climate and nature metrics. Combining on-the-ground calibration data with satellite data and artificial intelligence, we are able to measure and track soil properties including soil organic carbon, as well as biodiversity indicators and habitat type. Our goal is to deliver these insights to key stakeholders – including much of the food and ag value chain – such that the world can optimise decisions around land use that will benefit the climate and our natural world. Only by providing scalable and accurate measurement tools can we create a future where climate and nature considerations are given the importance they require.

Key Benefits

The key benefit of Loamin's approach is that by using spatial statistics methods we can deliver both accuracy and scalability, rather than requiring clients to choose between these two priorities. 

Thus we can facilitate the rigorous measurement and monitoring of key indicators around the world, inclduing zero-deforestation supply chains, regenerative agriculture adoption and soil carbon sequestration and storage. Users can also quantify risks to projects and portfolios becomes more feasible with access to detailed distribution maps of threatened species, allowing for a better assessment of historic and current ecosystem health.

In short, digital soil mapping can be used to support sustainable practices, support ecosystem restoration efforts, and contribute to global efforts of environmental conservation.


Our market segments are (1) food and beverage supply chains, including food producers and retailers; (2) financial institutions, such as investors, lenders and insurers with exposure to agricultural assets or land portfolios; (3) nature based solutions and ecosystem service markets (e.g. carbon markets). All of these market segments can use our products and capabilities to measure key metrics of interest.

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