Imagine being able to identify and track energy consumption and GHG emission from every piece of equipment in a building? That is what iDisplay does in non-domestic buildings.


At GoGreen, we build software to make the £trillion economic opportunity of Net Zero more tangible and actionable for businesses and their domestic customers.

This is why our novel 'Deco' software leverages Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring technology to 'unbundle' smart meter data to pinpoint exactly which pieces of equipment account collectively account for a non-domestic building's total energy consumption and GHG emissions.

Key Benefits

The immediate operational impact of Deco will manifest as the availability of near-real time tabular and visual reporting of GHG emissions from every material source in a non-domestic building. With this, building managers will have clearer insight into obvious areas to manage on a daily basis.

The immediate strategic impact of Deco will be to guide building managers away from unactionable top-down GHG emissions reduction plans prepared using incomplete and uncosted EPC recommendations, to actionable bottom-up emissions reduction plans prepared using granular smart meter data that provides a complete and costed basis for equipment-level optimisation actions.

These immediate operational and strategic impacts are anticipated to better equip building managers to make informed decisions about how best to transition to Net Zero by 2050.


Offices, retail, industry, health, and hospitality collectively account for approximately 71% of non-domestic building energy consumption in England and Wales.

Facilities, Estates, and Building managers in these sectors are the target market for Deco.

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