Cropin Cloud is a comprehensive platform designed to integrate and digitize agricultural value chains and offers real-time data collection, predictive analytics,& smart reporting


Why First-Mile Visibility Matters:

Why First-Mile Visibility Matters: The first mile of the agricultural supply chain is the most crucial, yet often the most opaque. From planting to harvesting, a lack of visibility in this phase can trigger a cascade of inefficiencies, uncertainties, and quality control issues that ripple through the entire value chain. Inefficiencies in the supply chain costs the global economy nearly $1 trillion annually (World Bank, 2019). The first mile of agricultural supply chains is where the journey begins, encompassing processes from planting to harvesting and initial processing. Effective management of this phase is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire supply chain, impacting the quality, safety, and traceability of agricultural products.

Who we are:

Founded in 2010, Cropin is a global Agritech pioneer who has built the world's first purpose-built industry cloud for Agriculture - Cropin Cloud.  Cropin has partnered with over 250+ B2B customers and digitized 16 million acres of farmland, improving the livelihoods of more than 7 million farmers. Our work over the last decade has enabled us to spearhead a global 'Ag-intelligence' movement with a crop knowledge graph of 500+ crops and 10000+ crop varieties in 92 countries that powers the Cropin Cloud. Cropin Cloud's Intelligence platform has already computed and provided predictive intelligence for over 0.2 billion acres of farmlands across the globe.

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What We Can Solve:

Cropin Cloud addresses these challenges by offering comprehensive first-mile visibility. Stakeholders can monitor and manage operations right from the start, ensuring smooth transitions and minimizing risks associated with inefficiencies or non-compliance. This leads to improved quality control, better compliance with regulatory standards, and enhanced overall efficiency of the supply chain.

Relevant Features for First-Mile Visibility:

Digital Profiling and Operational Management:

Cropin Cloud provides tools for detailed digital profiling and management of farm operations, ensuring accurate and real-time data collection from the field. This includes monitoring planting schedules, crop health, and growth stages.

Data-Driven Insights and Notifications:

The platform offers advanced analytics and notifications to keep stakeholders informed about critical activities and potential issues. This helps in proactive decision-making and timely interventions.

Tailored Dashboards:

Customizable dashboards offer actionable insights and comprehensive views of the supply chain. Users can track key performance indicators (KPIs) and monitor progress towards sustainability and quality goals.

Sustainable Sourcing and Traceability:

Cropin Cloud integrates robust traceability solutions, such as the QR code-enabled Cropin Trace (RootTrace). This ensures end-to-end visibility from farm to fork, helping to eliminate counterfeiting, ensure quality standards, and build consumer trust. It also aids in meeting certification standards for export and driving profitability for producers.

Cropin Cloud offers a suite of solutions tailored to various agricultural sectors, including farming, seed companies, food processing, agri-inputs, and more. These solutions are designed to improve sourcing, enhance supply chain operations, ensure food safety, and ultimately improve profitability.

Key Benefits

Enhanced Operational Efficiency:

Optimization and Cost Reduction: Cropin Cloud provides comprehensive visibility and control over the first mile of agricultural supply chains, optimizing operations from the outset. This leads to a significant increase in efficiency, reducing operational costs by up to 30% as inefficiencies are minimized and resources are better allocated (TechCrunch, 2024; McKinsey, 2024).

Improved Resource Utilization: With digital tools and real-time data, Cropin Cloud enhances resource utilization, ensuring that inputs such as water, fertilizers, and labor are used optimally, further contributing to cost savings (Cropin, 2024).

Improved Product Quality:

Real-Time Monitoring: The platform's real-time monitoring capabilities ensure that stakeholders can maintain high-quality standards from the start. This reduces the risk of defects or discrepancies, leading to an increase in product quality by up to 25% (TechCrunch, 2024).

Data-Driven Insights: By leveraging data-driven insights, Cropin Cloud enables timely interventions and adjustments, ensuring that crops are healthy and meet the required quality benchmarks throughout the supply chain (Cropin, 2024).

Enhanced Compliance Management:

Adherence to Standards: Cropin Cloud facilitates adherence to international agricultural and safety standards. It enables stakeholders to track and verify compliance measures from the initial stages of production, significantly reducing the risk of non-compliance issues downstream by up to 40% (Preferred by Nature, 2024).

Certification and Traceability: The platform supports compliance with regulations such as the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and other sustainability standards, ensuring that products meet certification requirements and are traceable throughout the supply chain (Preferred by Nature, 2024).

Proactive Risk Management:

Early Identification of Challenges: Cropin Cloud helps in identifying and addressing potential challenges early in the supply chain. This proactive approach mitigates risks such as supply chain disruptions, quality issues, or regulatory non-compliance, reducing the likelihood of these issues by up to 50% (TechCrunch, 2024; Cropin, 2024).

Safeguarding Supply Chain Integrity: By ensuring that risks are managed effectively from the start, Cropin Cloud safeguards the integrity and reliability of the entire supply chain ecosystem, leading to a more resilient and trustworthy supply chain (Cropin, 2024).

Case Studies and Real-World Impact:

Punjab Agro: Implemented QR-code tags to avoid seed counterfeiting, resulting in the digitization of 22,000 acres and a harvest of 3.5 million metric tonnes (Cropin, 2024).

Suminter India Organics: Digitized over 60,000 farmers and 65,000 plots, achieving 100% transparency and eliminating adulteration in organic produce exports (Cropin, 2024).

Government of Karnataka: Partnered with Cropin to implement end-to-end traceability, benefiting 112 villages and sending over 92,000 messages around market prices (Cropin, 2024).


Preferred by Nature. 2024. "EUDR Service Infosheet."

Cropin. 2024. "Agricultural Problems and Solutions."

TechCrunch. 2024. "Cropin launches its cloud platform to digitize the agricultural supply chain."

McKinsey. 2024. "The business value of cloud modernization."\


Consumer Goods Companies: Improve sourcing practices and brand reputation.

Retailers: Gain greater visibility into product origins and meet consumer demands for transparency.

Food Processors: Ensure consistent quality of raw materials and optimize production processes.

Governments & NGOs: Monitor and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

Farmers & Growers: Improve farm management, access market insights, and participate in transparent supply chains.

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