Our unique Special Operations Unit (SOG) will provide your organisation with a professional 'Boots On The Ground' front line business continuity consultancy service
We are a small elite group of former military, security special forces, and professional business consultants who were head hunted by a UK Gov' sanctioned security consultancy to manage UK Government, COVID-19 restricted access testing sites for MOD-NHS, a Big 4 accountancy company and the UK's largest facilities management company. For the last 6 months our Special Operations Unit ( SOG ) have been leading from the front line, by directly managing all aspects relating to the UK Governments COVID-19 fixed test sites and mobile testing units deployed to manage the pandemic. We have task specific professional training and experience, which places us in a unique position to be able to deliver a 100% mission specific COVID-19 business continuity service to businesses and organisations from all sectors anywhere around the globe. We are super skilled at managing multiple in-house and external stakeholders. Cell: UK 07736 777553
Key Benefits
It's unique. No one else has a designated covid-19 SOG to manage their COVID-19 related business continuity operations. Businesses will be able to meet full Government compliance while steering their business or organisation through these fluid high stakes unprecedented times. A huge demand exists for this professional proven service. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the business landscape. Frequent changes and disruptions can seriously affect the profitability and continuity of most businesses. Retaining our SOG will provide you with the competence and confidence to thrive in the current marketplace. Specific professional expertise. It's rare for any business or organisation to be able to directly tap into mission specific professional expertise when an unprecedented critical incident manifests, on a scale of the COVID-19 pandemic .
Our innovative COVID-19 Special Operations Group is able to deliver its professional consultancy services to business and organisations in any geographical region. Our founders are all highly skilled complex service delivery specialists experienced in over 50 different Countries. We are used to extensive travel as professional consultants, especially into hostile and/or hazardous theatres of operation. And we have significant experience at bringing together multiple personnel from diverse backgrounds and training and then managing them into high-stakes work environments. Irrespective of your organisations size or location, if you, your business and/or organisation require any specialist skills and professional expertise to help you mitigate and navigate through this COVID-19 pandemic then you need to retain our SOG. Alternatively If you manage, or support any organisation that would benefit from our professional mission specific COVID-19 expertise, just contact us. Cell: UK 07736 777553