Utilising the new GS1 2d Barcode Buyerdock has created a platform that allows organisations to provide product specific data to their consumers
Buyerdock is leading the way utilising the new GS1 2D Barcodes to provide Consumers with all of the data they require through our iQRcode that is in line with GS1 Sunrise 2027 project
Key Benefits
Consumer facing information available at the scan of our iQR code
Generates the correct EU recycling information and logos in line with EU regulations
Product information
FAQs and How do Is? including Videos
Multiple language translations
Supports Circular Economy
Developing in line with Digital Product Passport
Initially on any product in all sectors, Food, Non Food, Clothing etc that is sold with a barcode through any channel
Designed to support the Circular Economy in any sector
Can also host any information, automotive, construction, aviation on a part that can have a 2d Barcode attached