At GW Nutrition, we utilize our patented CleanSense™ Technology to improve the taste, color or odor of alternative proteins making them easier to be adopted in the food industry.


By the year 2030 we will need 250 million tons of additional protein annually to feed the world’s growing population. Even today, over 725 million people go hungry daily and over 1 billion people suffer from protein deficiency. Meeting the world’s protein needs today and into the future requires new solutions since animal-based proteins cannot meet the demand. Raising large numbers of livestock requires unsustainable levels of available land and fresh water, in addition to producing high levels of greenhouse gas emissions. The utilization of more sustainable proteins will be required to meet this global protein shortage; however, alternative protein sources from plants and microbes are limited in their adoption by the food industry due to their challenging flavor, colors, and odors. Our goal is to be part of the solution to this growing global protein crisis by making alternative proteins easier to utilize in food formulations and increasing their usage worldwide.

GW Nutrition’s (GWN) mission is to utilize our patented CleanSense™ technology to improve the taste, color, and odor of alternative proteins, making them easier to use in the food industry. We are driven by the desire to provide sustainable ingredients to the world, and with our proven leaders experienced in taking food ingredients to market, we believe our CleanSense™ technology can help reduce the environmental impact of food production. We have promising results with several types of algae and plans to dive into many other alternative proteins in the future.

Key Benefits

Our CleanSense™ technology will be licensed to manufacturers as an added step in their manufacturing process, providing three key benefits. First, our technology can reduce the need for flavor and color masking, saving time and money in the food formulation process. Second, it can lower the need for sugar and salt additives, two of the most common flavor masking agents currently utilized by food manufacturing companies. Finally, our technology can open new markets for sustainable alternative proteins with challenging sensory profiles, such as algae, which are limited in adoption due to their color and flavor profile.


The alternative protein market is bursting with opportunity, projecting to grow to $300B by 2030, with the CAGR% forecasted to reach 18.5% according to Alternative Protein Market Insights. A few critical drivers of this booming growth include the increase in demand for protein as outlined above, a lack of land and resources to support animal-based proteins, a growing vegan population, and a growing market for sports nutrition.

Excluding animal feed from the alternative protein market, our TAM is currently $85B, and is projected to grow to $225B by 2030. Of that $85B, our SAM includes the target segments of North America cereals, snacks and beverages, landing at $10B in 2023 and growing to $56B by 2030. With a goal to license our technology into 10% of this market capturing 25% of the value in a license, we have a SOM of 1.4B by 2030. The market is substantial and will only continue to grow. With the improved color and flavor of alternative proteins, the choice of a healthy sustainable option becomes much easier for our consumers to make.

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