UK and or International Businesses can be assisted with avoiding Employment Tribunal Claims immediately preventing Employee Unfair Dismissal for instance.


UK Civil, Criminal Legal Services Know-How gives International and Domestic Businesses to see the the Civil and Criminal Proceedings Rulings prior to Court Proceedings commencing where it is deemed necessary. Pre-Action Protocol Civil Procedure for debt for instance also applies and businesses and public subjects will recognise at this stage Court Proceedings, associated costs and time required are not necessary as the required letter can be issued.

Law, Non-Law Graduates and Public Subjects intending to Practise Law in England and Wales that did not obtain the 1st or 2nd Class Upper University Honours Degree will also be able to Practice as UK Civil and Criminal Proceedings will be recognised during Video Game Play as Pre-Action Protocol Civil Procedure Rules, Statute of Limitation 1980 Section 24 Prohibiting debt recovery in England and Wales after 6 years for Simple Contracts and after 12 years for Mortgages will be provisioned etc. Criminal Practice Rules, Public Order Act 1986 Section 4 Offence of shouting by Offender at Victim after excessive liquor consumption warranting UK Arrest etc will also be provisioned for Playing.

Key Benefits

Expedient understanding of UK Civil Pre-Action Protocol process for debt where simple letter is issued to alleged debtor to forward to supposed creditor in 30 minutes. University and Solicitor's Qualifying Exam can take 2 years for to acquire the same understanding.

Strict appointment times with Solicitor's too is not necessary as the Video Games can be accessed from smart phone screens instantly saving time driving and or commuting and money etc.

The Pre-Action Protocol letter stage is also free, no charge applies to the content.

Civil and Criminal Proceedings can be played and understood in less stressful environments in 1 hour in comparison to studying and revising and answering exam questions within 3 hours for example. This is not to criticise the University and or Law School Processes as they are prescribed.

Law, Non-Law Graduates that did not obtain 1st or 2nd Class Upper University Degrees can also Practice Law as Litigants-In-Person and or as Legal Consultants with Law Society, Bar Council and Chartered Institute of Legal Executives Regulations Published in 2015 for instance. Said Solicitor's Guide concerning Litigants-In-Person is available from the Ministry of Justice Website for further details,


International and UK Domestic Businesses requiring instant assessments of Civil and or Criminal liability are ideal clients'.

Law, Non-Law Graduates internationally and domestically are also ideal clients' as described prior.

People of all ages can play the Video Games for entertainment too as there are stories, plots, sub-plots and Copyright materials too for this purpose.

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