This novel invention relates to the treatment of hydrocephalus or for pressure relief secondary to trapped fluid in any body cavity.


Brief Description: This novel, minimally invasive, device is a shunting system for the diversion of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that does not use catheters or tubing. This catheterless system provides direct CSF diversion out of the central nervous system, dramatically decreasing revision rate since catheter clogging remains the most common reason for failure. Applications: This invention relates to the treatment of hydrocephalus or for pressure relief secondary to trapped fluid in any body cavity. Hydrocephalus alone accounts for over 40,000 operations performed annually in the US. Medical costs for hydrocephalus are estimated to be over $1 billion per year. Advantages: This invention will allow for an effective and less invasive treatment of communicating hydrocephalus with better long-term outcomes and reduced incidence of infection. The technology will also help treat trapped fluids in other parts of the body such as ascites or pleural effusions.  

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