Lithium Superionic Conducting Coatings For High-Performance Nickel-Rich Cathodes of Lithium-ion Batteries


In this invention, we propose, for the first time, to surface-modify NMC811 cathodes directly with a conformal layer of lithium superionic conductor coatings (enabling an ionic conductivity of up to 10-3 S/cm at room temperature, which is more than four orders of magnitude higher than that reported by others) via atomic layer deposition (ALD) for achieving high performance and enhanced safety. In pursuing new LIBs, layer-structured nickel-rich LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811) cathodes have stood out, featuring its high potential, high capacity, and cost-effectiveness. Unfortunately, NMC811 cathodes suffer from a series of issues in structural, interfacial, and thermodynamic stability, which hinder them from commercialization.

Key Benefits

Forming a fully conformal networked coverage of a superionic conductor over the whole NMC811 electrodes with high adjustable film thickness to achieve desirable mechanical integrity * Effectively inhibiting intergranular and intragranular microcracking * Effectively inhibiting NMC phase transition and oxygen evolution Serving as a stable superionic conducting interface enabling fast ion transport and mitigating parasitic reactions * Solidifying the pathways of electronics, which are established by conductive additives * Washing residual lithium compounds away from NMC811 surface * Low cost, high efficiency, and remarkable effects


* Battery-powered electric vehicles * Generally, long-term high-energy LIBs

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