This invention contributes to advancing the field of technology for water treatment applications.


This invention contributes to advancing the field of technology for water treatment applications by providing a process that can achieve key water treatment goals without the addition of chemicals. Currently, chemical disinfection approaches like chlorine are used, but are undesirable because of the human health hazards of working with such a chemical and because the final consumer increasingly does not want food they purchase to have been cleaned with chlorine.

Key Benefits

This invention contributes to advancing the field of technology for water treatment applications by providing a process that can achieve key water treatment goals without the addition of chemicals. Currently, chemical disinfection approaches like chlorine are used, but are undesirable because of the human health hazards of working with such a chemical and because the final consumer increasingly does not want food they purchase to have been cleaned with chlorine. *Scalability *Use of off-the-shelf graphite electrodes as the base electrode material *No chemical addition


Water treatment technologies based on electrochemistry

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