Hierarchically Structured Materials Prepared from Selective Atomic Layer Deposition in Self-Assembled, Composite Colloidal Films
Natural photosynthesis is a process whereby plants use sunlight to create chemicals that they use to store energy. The chemicals, carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, are a form of solar fuel for the plants‚ fuel that was created through the use of sunlight. Artificial photosynthesis aims to accomplish a similar goal, to use sunlight to create a fuel which can be used to store energy. One such fuel is the gas hydrogen. Hydrogen can be obtained by cracking the water molecule, which is made of oxygen and water. There has been a lot of research into artificial photosynthesis and various schemes have been demonstrated, however, to date, none of the methods have resulted in an economical process. The main reason that artificial photosynthesis has not been economical has been the use of very expensive materials and processes.
Key Benefits
* Inexpensive, low-temperature fabrication of nanostructured films * Self-organized, multicomponent functional materials * Solution-based processing over large areas; potential for roll-to-roll processing *Precise organization of materials based on starting gyonents
* Photocatalysis/photoelectrochemical materials for sunlight-to-fuels chemical reactions * Substrates for liquid-phase solar ceils (Dye-sensitized soEar cells, etc.) * Random laser materials * Paint; tunable physical color * IR reflective coatings for windows