The C19Checker severity stratification tool allows for the mass screening of individuals exhibiting COVID-19-like symptoms in a non-hospital setting.


The C19Checker severity stratification tool allows for the mass screening of individuals exhibiting COVID-19-like symptoms in a non-hospital setting. The screen builds on the previous SORT algorithm developed at Emory, which relies on the CDC-developed CRB-65 risk stratification tool, a well-validated technique that includes assessment of the severity and potential risk of death due to a community acquired illness as well as a brief review of factors related to co-morbidity. The risk assessment screening tool developed at Emory University can be administered online and allows for effective screening of large numbers of individuals, while alleviating the surge of visits to a hospital or doctors’ office and lessening interactions with infected individuals within these settings. The content has also been adapted for use with a mobile SMS/USSD platform.

Key Benefits

- Allows mass screening of potential COVID-19 patients. - Alleviates burden on hospitals and doctors’ offices. - Reduces unnecessary interactions with individuals. - May be used in regions with low internet access.

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