Very rapid optical feature analysis at sub-micron level allows better understanding of natural products helping raise their value, for example, high quality wool fiber


A rugged, field-deployable, automated microscopy and measurement system for agricultural and industrial applications. Currently used in-field in New Zealand for detailed wool fiber measurement. From a small, rough wool sample it can make 500,000 individual measurements in under 15 seconds and objectively quantify over 12 key fibre characteristics at sub-micron detail. It uses hardware acceleration in CUDA to recognise very detailed microscopic features in a sample. For example, the fiber measurement application can track long segments (>5cm) of fibre among 100′s of megapixel images. This approach, combined with the very large number of measurements yields results extremely close to laboratory measurements, without requiring painstaking preparation of highly variable samples. The machine is portable, dust, humidity and vibration resistant, and can be modified to provide laboratory-grade measurement and classification of other kinds of rough sample - for example wood-grain, cotton, leaf, cell culture etc. Anywhere where object recognition, tracking and heuristic extraction to sub-micron level is required.

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