A minimum 70% reduction in perception of various household malodours in real use situations, through the targeted use of specific combinations of fragrance ingredients


By using an optimised combination of fragrance raw materials targeting chemical and physical malodour interactions plus interference at the odour receptor stage of the smelling process, AromaGuard is able to show a minimum 70% malodour perception reduction against a range of common household malodours. Importantly, this technology's malodour performance is purely down to the fragrance ingredients used in the formula and does not rely on an added separate 'active' ingredient. By analysing and identifying the components within the malodours we can then optimise the fragrance formula to maximise the malodour reduction performance. This allows AromaGuard to dramatically reduce the malodour perception without replacing it with an overpowering level of fragrance. By combining the AromaGuard malodour performance with our EcoBoost proprietary 10x stronger fragrance technology, we are able to add in significant sustainability and regulatory benefits to the overall product For more information: https://cplaromas.com/our-fragrances/aromaguard For the brochure of this technology: https://cplaromas.com/sites/default/files/2021-06/CPL-AromaGuard-brochure.pdf Let's create together.

Key Benefits

Creating market leading levels of malodour counteraction whilst using fragrances that give the consumer the perfume experience that they are expecting


AromaGuard malodour counteractant fragrance can be utilised in almost all areas of fast moving consumer goods, both cosmetic and household. AromaGuard is effective against many household malodours including (but not limited to): bathroom, kitchen, cigarette, sweat, damp, pet. It can also be designed to be effective with specific products and uses such as depilatory products, hair dyes and self tan products where there is an inherent malodour in the product base or in the product application

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