Filters, recycles & reuses 98% of most waste effluents, to a clarity exceeding UK drinking water standards. Creating potential for almost Perpetual reuse of the same water.


  • The only system Worldwide that can filter & clean waste effluent for the purpose of perpetual reuse
  • Remove your chemicals, metals & organic material from your waste for reuse or to meet discharge consents
  • That creates the potential for being 'off-grid' for Water and Effluent discharge
  • Facilitates compliance with ever more stringent Discharge Consent Permits
  • Huge Water & Discharge savings potential
  • Enhanced Green Credentials

We are able to help any company producing waste effluent that has, or anticipates, issues around consent to discharge, increasing water & discharge costs or has a water reuse potential.

Our system was invented to facilitate a Hand Car Wash business that was to be situated 100m from a Nature Conservation area in Devon, UK. It also has no foul drain and so needed a solution. The result was:

  • Car Wash 'off-grid' for water & discharge - has no Water bills
  • Collects all run off from Car Wash pad as well as rain water harvesting and cleans this for reuse
  • Once passed through filtration system, is cleaner than UK drinking water standards
  • Uses no chemicals
  • Tried, tested and developed over 8 years

Key Benefits

  • Significantly lower water & discharge costs
  • Discharge Consent Compliance
  • Green credentials
  • Water Capacity/Supply Security - not guaranteed by Water Companies in future due to increasing water scarcity
  • Increased tolerance to drought scenarios


Defining a target market is incredibly difficult as applications are unimaginably diverse, with any company or industry which creates waste effluent or is water intensive will likely be able to exploit the System's features and benefits.

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