This analog to digital convertor (ADC) is designed to reduce the impact of substrate noise, when the two circuit types are used together.


Brief Description: This analog to digital convertor (ADC) is designed to reduce the impact of substrate noise, when the noise-sensitive analog circuits and the noise-generating digital circuits are placed  closely together on a common substrate.   Applications: This sigma-delta analog to digital converter (ADC) is to be used in integrated system-on-a-chip (SOC) circuits requiring high resolution and low to moderate bandwidth.     Advantages: The first design studies and simulations of the new architecture show an overall improvement in signal to noise ratio of 14 dB.   The proposed design is not a major digression from the mature conventional sigma-delta ADC technology.  and it also eliminates other effects of integrator op-amp non-idealities, such as 1/f noise, DC offset and all even-order non-linearities.  This design will compete with the conventional sigma delta ADCs for high resolution applications because the noise suppression and signal-to-noise advantage increases the dynamic range. Moreover because the design can tolerate non-linear effects, the circuit does not need to be driven at high current and hence will perform at significantly lower power consumption.  

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