Simple, low cost solution while maintaining image quality


We have developed a novel, low-cost hybrid imaging technique, 3D Micro Snapshot, which permits 3D images to be captured in a single snapshot and with extended depth-of-field (DOF). Traditional methods to capture 3D images have proven to be elaborate, costly and exhibit long acquisition times. Currently, constant refocusing is necessary to observe a deep sample, and “focus stack” techniques, in which a large number of images are taken sequentially varying the focal point in steps, are used to reconstruct extended-range images. The major microscopy manufacturers include modules in their products to achieve this. 3D Micro Snapshot provides a simple single-snapshot solution, extending performance while maintaining image quality. Key Benefits Provides a simple, low-cost solution Depth can be measured Image quality is on par with non-snapshot techniques The technology is able to produce extended-range images of comparable quality but in a snapshot. Applications The 3D Micro Snapshot technique can be implemented as an ‘add-on’ modification to already existing microscopes, bringing a relevant competitive advantage to manufacturers offering these new capabilities. Applications for the technology range from microscopy to 3D imaging, consumer photography, 3D imaging in computer vision and machine vision in industrial applications. Contact is welcomed from organisations interested in developing, licensing or exploiting this IP with a view to commercialisation.

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