Published Multi Sector Digital manufacturing We combine our physics models expertise, software skills and access to High-Performance Computing to create digital models of manufacturing systems, all the way to digital twins. By Constelcom ltd
Published Transport Quantuning Upgrading existing diesel drive chain elements using applied quantum physics to enrich power of diesel. This results immediate significant fuel consumption in existing engines. By Krisztian Rem
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Weizmann Institute of Science The Weizmann Institute of Science is one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary basic research institutions in the natural and exact sciences. It is comprised of 250 experimental and theoretical ...
Tel Aviv University When most people ask a clerk at the supermarket to swipe a bottle of mouthwash through a barcode scanner or when they insert their newly bought memory card into a ...
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Published Is Your iPhone 13 Battery Dying Faster Than Usual? It Might Be Time for a Replacement Is Your iPhone 13 Battery Dying Faster Than Usual? It Might Be Time for a Replacement. By Arbaz Husain, HelloRE
Published The Five Control Measures for Indoor Air Quality Understanding how to improve your buildings Indoor Air Quality By James Campbell, Smart Building Technology
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