In order to set the scene, it might be an idea to explain what LEO is and what we intend to achieve and of course why you should be part of our growing community.
LEO is a web based platform that allows innovators (across all market sectors) to publicise their technology and expertise to a global audience. We have some 4,000 innovators on the platform and this is growing week by week. We work with many companies that seek new innovations and that wish to grow and nurture a vibrant innovative community of their own. Who does this include? Cisco, BT, Kaplan, Magna and Konica Minolta to name but a few.
We partner with many organisations and universities across the globe including Oxford University, Imperial College, MIT, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as well as UK Government and organsisations that can advise, guide and really make a difference to your company.
Why do we do this? Simple - Our mission at Leading Edge Only is to help innovators to effectively raise the awareness of their solutions to corporations worldwide.
We aim to help bridge the gap between innovators and corporates with the Global Innovation Marketplace, a dynamic online platform that enables innovators to cost effectively showcase the latest technologies and products to a diverse array of corporations and other organisations seeking solutions.
We will be regularly publishing new content and needless to say that we’re keen for our community and broader audience to participate. As a result, we’d welcome any input, opinions, thoughts, news and relevant views surrounding innovation.
To partipate or if you have any questions please contact [email protected] or call us on +44 (0)1234 758 073 and we'll be happy help.
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