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Real User Monitoring: Essential for Effective AIOps and ServiceOps

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24 Jun, 2024
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Real User Monitoring: The Missing Piece for Effective AIOps and ServiceOps

In today's IT landscape, where applications are the lifeblood of business operations, ensuring their smooth functioning is paramount. This is where AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) and ServiceOps come in, aiming to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and proactively identify and resolve IT issues.

However, a critical piece often missing from the AIOps and ServiceOps puzzle is Real User Monitoring (RUM). This article delves into the importance of RUM and how it complements AIOps and ServiceOps for a holistic approach to IT performance management.

Understanding AIOps and ServiceOps

  • AIOps: Leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate IT operations tasks, analyze vast amounts of data, and predict potential issues before they impact users. AIOps tools process data from various sources, including infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring (APM), and log management tools.

  • ServiceOps: Focuses on the delivery and management of IT services, ensuring they meet the needs of the business. ServiceOps teams work closely with development and operations teams to maintain service availability, performance, and security.

While both AIOps and ServiceOps offer significant advantages in managing IT infrastructure and services, they often lack a crucial perspective: the user experience. Traditional monitoring tools primarily focus on infrastructure health and application performance from a technical standpoint. However, they often fail to capture how these technical metrics translate into the actual experience of end users.

The Need for Real User Monitoring

RUM bridges the gap between technical monitoring and user experience by focusing on how real users interact with applications. It goes beyond simply monitoring server uptime and application performance. RUM captures real-time data on user interactions, including:

  • Page load times
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • JavaScript errors
  • User actions (clicks, scrolls, form submissions)
  • Conversion funnel completion rates

By collecting this data, RUM provides insights into how users perceive application performance and identifies potential issues that might not be readily apparent through traditional monitoring tools.

Benefits of Integrating RUM with AIOps and ServiceOps

Integrating RUM with AIOps and ServiceOps offers a multitude of benefits:

  • Proactive Problem Detection: RUM helps identify user-facing issues before they escalate and significantly impact user experience. This allows AIOps tools to trigger alerts and initiate automated remediation actions, minimizing downtime and ensuring service continuity.
  • Business-Centric Insights: AIOps and ServiceOps traditionally focus on technical metrics. Integrating RUM provides a user-centric perspective, enabling teams to prioritize issues based on their real-world impact on users and business goals.
  • Improved User Experience: By providing insights into user behavior and pain points, RUM empowers ServiceOps teams to prioritize features and functionalities that enhance user experience. This results in a more user-friendly and efficient application environment.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Combining AIOps data with RUM insights creates a richer data set for analysis. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of application health and user behavior, leading to data-driven decisions for optimizing IT resources and user experience.
  • Reduced Costs: Proactive identification and resolution of user-facing issues with RUM can significantly reduce costs associated with downtime, lost productivity, and customer churn. AIOps automation capabilities are further enhanced, leading to improved efficiency and resource utilization.

Implementing RUM for Effective AIOps and ServiceOps

Here's how you can implement RUM for a holistic approach to IT performance management:

  • Define User Journeys & KPIs: Identify critical user journeys within your application and define key performance indicators (KPIs) for each journey. Use these KPIs to track user experience and identify areas for improvement.
  • Choose the Right RUM Tool: Select a RUM solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing AIOps and ServiceOps tools. Consider factors like ease of use, scalability, and the types of insights offered by the tool.
  • Correlate RUM Data with Other Sources: Integrate RUM data with data from your AIOps and ServiceOps tools, including infrastructure monitoring, APM, and log management. This allows you to correlate user experience with technical metrics and identify root causes of performance issues.
  • Prioritize Based on Impact: Don't get bogged down by all the data. Analyze RUM insights and prioritize issues based on their potential impact on user experience and business goals. Focus on resolving issues that significantly affect user journeys and conversion rates.
  • Continuously Monitor and Optimize: RUM is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor user experience and application performance metrics. Use this data to identify trends and implement improvements over time.


By integrating RUM with AIOps and ServiceOps, organizations can achieve a comprehensive and proactive approach to IT performance management. RUM provides the missing user-centric perspective, enabling teams to identify and address issues.

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